Sunday, December 31, 2006
Christmas Camp
Days: 4
km skied: ~60
Average snow depth: 1"
Better than: Rollerskiing
When we left my parent's house in CT on Tuesday, we were pretty sure we were heading to VT for hiking and running. but, Ullr be praised, the Quechee golf course had about 2" of crusty snow, enough for skiing. Being resourceful people, we set up a 4k loop, and got our cross country skiing on. Our options were few. Mountain Top and Grafton had 1k loops; Craftesbury, 2 hours away, had a 5k lake loop, and that was it for New England.
Tuesday it was warm, so, we didn't ski. Wednesday morning, it was cold and the snow was fast and crusty. Connie and I skated in the morning, about 18k. We returned in the afternoon for 8k of waxless classic skiing. I used my mom's Fischer Revolutions, which were fantastic for resistance training. Thursday it was still cold in the morning, and, like a fool, I skied classic on grundwax covered with purple. I had kick...for about 5 minutes. So, I made it work, and did some specific strength. I am not very strong right now. I'm a have to work on that. Friday and Saturday it was warm and mushy, and I skated, and again it was slow, but conditions held up and the golf course was more or less skiable, provided one had the ability to jump over cart paths.
All in all, not bad, especially given the conditions. I headed up to Trapp on Saturday night and Alex and I skied Stowe on Sunday. They were hurting for base, but they had a little snow which made the moguls skiable and the woods absolutely lovely. We ducked ropes from 1 p.m. till closing with the attitude that if we got caught, at least we'd skied the good stuff while it was fresh. Rain came on New Years Eve, and so the next day we snowshoed through the woods for a few hours.
We need more snow...please
Monday, December 04, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
An Ode to Aunt Connie
Many athletes have a professional as their hero: a Lance Armstrong, a Bjorn Daehli, a Bonnie Blair. I have my Aunt Connie. From my earliest days, she has been a sports instigator. She gave me my first tube to swim with in Squam lake and hiked with me up
Thursday, October 12, 2006
A little practice
Location: Newton, MA
No brake laps: 4
So, I showed up at MIT team practice. We went out to Wells Ave. in Newton and did some Team Time Trial practice. Interesting point: TTT is MITs speciallty, and its not hard to see why: they actually practice the techniques involved. That and they (er, we) have a good coach. Oh, and the wind tunnel research helps too. Anyway, here are some pics. Yours truely is not so good at drafting and TTT, but I got a lot better over the course of the morning.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
More MTB action!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Now you can stalk me!!
Aquired: Sept. 17 2006
Use: Record training activities
Nerd factor: Very, very High
I got a sweeeet ass new toy for my birthday! Its a wrist mounted GPS receiver: the Garmin Foretrex 101!

And you thought the calculator watch was geeky? This rad device puts that shame!
So whats really cool about this thing is that it tracks your movement and you can upload the data to your computer. The best free program I've found for this is MotionBased, which has a sweet web interface which allows the world to track your workouts, if they desire. Now you can see what I've been up to! I wear this for biking and running so you can click on the MotionBased link on the left and get all the latest data on my workouts!!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
They finally got me...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
And the winner is...
Date: 9/3/06
Course: Swim 400m (Boston Harbor), Bike 11 miles (Memorial drive) Run 5k
Weather: Inclement
Winner: Ernesto

Yep, the race was canceled due to rain and wind. I was kinda bummed, but, then again, the weather was shitty, and the race wouldn't have been that fun. There is no rain date and no refund, so I dropped $45 on a T-shirt.
Its a nice T-shirt, but not that nice...
I'll post soon with my racing/adventure plans for the Fall
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
And We All Climb On: The Jay Challenge Part II, MTB

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Jay Challenge, Part 1: Prologue

Sunday, July 16, 2006
Agro in the streets of Boston

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Swimming with the Beavers
Event: Holliston Lions Triathlon
Right before the the race start, the Lion's Club guys (who organized the race) played the national anthem, the version of which they had chosen was only slightly better than the one with Rossanne Bar. It was HARD not to laugh. The 40+ men got to go off first, and then the sub 40 men, and finally the women all with 3 minute intervals in between. The swim was typical: grabbing wetsuited legs and getting kicked in the face for 200m and then open swim for the rest. In the absence of current and 3ft swells, swimming in straight lines was pretty easy. I was out of the water in about the middle of the pack, which is about my speed these days. I suspect that the 14-year-old version of myself, country club champion no less, would be faster, but, whatever. I ran out of the water and had my suit half off by the time I reach my rack. I then peeled the rest off, jumped into my bike shoes, and started out again much, much, much faster than last time.
The bike course was sweet: 3 laps around a 5 mile loop with short, steep uphills followed by long gradual downhills (link). There were no flats and the course ran fast. The first lap I was feeling the swim, but by the end I was cranking pretty well, turning
decent gears. I got in with a group of dudes and we worked off of each other. The second lap was pretty much the same, but I was feeling much better on the uphills. On the third lap, all racers were out on the course, and it was crowded. In places it was like being in a peleton, and the yellow line and no drafting rules got violated like the prime directive. Still, we were moving along well. With two miles to go I noticed another MIT racer pass me. It was M. I climbed the final hill and slipped my feet out my shoes. This proved well, as the people in front of me Mau-Maued the transition zone and took each other out after jamming the brakes and slipping on their cleats. I dodged and jogged through. Racking my bike and putting on my racing flats took all of about 20 seconds and I was back on the course.
rab some road racing flats. Anyway, I soldiered on as best I could. The course was actually pretty challenging with long, gradual climbs and short steep downhills. The first 1.3 miles took
something like forever, but afterwards I sped up a bit and passed a bunch of people. At around mile 4, someone behind me yelled “go tech!" It was M. She passed me, and we ran together to the last hill where I pulled ahead again for my kick to the finish. We finished around
e split and my transitions. If I’m going to get back to being as fast as I once was, I’ve got to work the run and swim more (my run split was 35ish and my swim was 12ish). The MIT triathlon people were really fun, and we hung out for a while after the race waiting for awards; M took second in the women’s race, not bad for her first ever tri, and another one of the women, C, took an age category award.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Crazy C's Big Ass Adventure Race